FOB Meeting General Meeting Minutes

12/06/2015 17:00


Attendees: Wuyeh Sanyang, Hassan Touray, Pa Joof, AmadouJallow, M.Bah, Sulayman Saidy, Sulayman Jallow, Majidi Jallow, Mamadou SalieuJallow, Abubacarr Krubally, Momodou Krubally, and other callers we were notable to identify

Financial Statements:

US Bank Account: $5294.36

Gambia Account:

Standard Bank - D70,409.00

AGIB - D55,366.00

Europe: €629.00 - to be transferred to
the US bank.

Filly will add Maimuna Sey to the new
bank account as a signatory

Mr. Filly Sabally will update us as
there are pending expenses on the FOB office project.  


·  Education: Abubacarr Krubally will look into how
we can help the vocational centers or school graduates that are enrolled in
these centers since the government is now hosting the school fees for students.

· Safra Project: The jerseys have been purchased
and already in Basse.  The jerseys will
be given to the team that represents Basse. 
The Safra project was discussed at the last General meeting where
members agreed to purchase a set of soccer jerseys for the Basse Safra
team.  The Sports Coordinator Ousainou
Krubally will give us an update on this matter when the items are presented to
the Basse Sports Committee.

· FOB Office - We are expecting the office to
officially open by the end of the month. 
Kawsu is working on setting it up and possibly helping FOB with the
funding.  At the moment we are going with
the smaller office and the monthly rent after the first six months will be D1500.00.
Since our inception, we have discussed the idea of having an office in
Basse.  At the last general meeting,
members agreed to take an offer from Pa Joof. 
Kawsu will update us on this project as soon as an office opening date
is scheduled.


·   The general elections are just around the corner

·  Be sure that your name is listed on the 2015
membership list. According to our constitution, members have to be current to
run for office.

·   Please look out for communication from our
polling officers and respond accordingly.

·   Please step up and run for office and also
nominate people you think will be able to move FOB forward.

·  Members are encouraged to familiarize themselves
with our constitution to better understand how you can help move FOB forward.
We are looking to the younger and our female folks to take the lead.

·   Members are encouraged to pay their dues before
the end of the year.

Next Meeting



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